About Nuit Blanche
白晝之夜(Nuit Blanche)是一個起源於 2002 年巴黎的全球夜間藝術祭。它打破藝術與日常生活的界限,將公共空間轉變為創意舞台,現已有超過 30 個城市響應。
Nuit Blanche is a global nighttime arts festival that originated in Paris in 2002. It breaks the boundaries between art and everyday life, transforming public spaces into creative stages. Over 30 cities have now participated in this event.
The core spirit
- 文化融合與多元視角:透過當代藝術連結城市變遷、公民議題,讓參與者探索多元文化與社會議題。
- 參與式藝術:強調公眾互動,市民成為創作的一部分,打破被動觀賞的模式,激發更多參與感。
- 城市文化展現:以城市空間為創作平台,呈現台北作為首都的文化能量,推動國際文化交流。
Three Main Spirits of Taipei Nuit Blanche
- Cultural Fusion and Diverse Perspectives: Through contemporary art, the event connects urban transformation and civic issues, allowing participants to explore diverse cultures and social topics.
- Participatory Art: Emphasizing public interaction, citizens become part of the creation process, breaking away from passive observation and fostering a greater sense of participation.
- Showcasing Urban Culture: Utilizing urban spaces as creative platforms, the festival presents Taipei’s cultural energy as a capital city, promoting international cultural exchange.
2024 Theme
The theme of the 2024 Taipei Nuit Blanche is “Nocturnal Animal Party,” which explores the diverse interactions between humans and the night in the urban environment. Night symbolizes freedom and mystery, and through animal imagery, the event showcases the process of various roles in the city being reshaped at night. Art installations and performances transform urban spaces into a vibrant party, igniting participants’ inner creativity and primal instincts.
At the same time, the event encourages breaking free from daily norms, using art to explore social issues and self-reflection, creating a nighttime experience that is both imaginative and exploratory.
Party Carnival.
法國動物大遊行—凱蒂.哈特的奇思藝想、雲的影子、行星、筑一片消逝的森林、夢的捕手、洄·尋、Data Verse Taipei 夜間森林
國父紀念館、臺北市議會、臺北市政府 | |
國際視野、藝術公園、自由街頭、佔領府會、一夜影展、議題響應 | |
Inside Out Project
Minimum Monument 最小的紀念碑_小冰人藝術行動 自由・力量_24小時Live Painting 買不到藝術公園—遊湖計畫 一夜影展 星空市政廳 貓市長・佔領中 臺北大歌廳_時代DJ金曲 開箱市議會 |
松山文創園區、台北101、國家鐵道博物館籌備處、國家電影及視聽文化中心、原創基地節、松市、ATT 4 FUN、and more… |
Nocturnal Animal Party Masks
PS. 白晝當天只要變裝來參與,只要拍下特殊裝扮,並到白晝社群指定文章,回覆留言,上傳照片,就有機會抽好禮。
How can you attend Nuit Blanche without a costume?
The main visual designer 廖小子(Godkidlla) has created three costume masks featuring existing animal elements.
Can you guess which animal parts were used?
There are also blank versions available for the public to color in themselves.
We look forward to seeing your creative nocturnal animal costumes!
P.S. On the night of the event, if you come in costume and take a photo of your unique outfit, simply comment on the designated post in the Nuit Blanche community and upload your photo for a chance to win great prizes.