自由・力量_24小時Live Painting 24 hours Live Painting

The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University
About this response
Resonance of Youth and Forest
Nuit Blance invites young art experimentation students from the Affiliated Senior High School to present an audio-visual feast that blends cross-border innovation and ecology. The performances of guitar, hip-hop, harmonica, jazz, dance and ceremonial groups are seamlessly intertwined, reconstructing the boundaries of live art through multimedia forms.
This performance goes beyond visual and auditory stimulation—it redefines time, space, and environment. Each note and movement resonates with the natural ecology of Daan Park, pushing the boundaries of body and sound while interacting with the pulse of life. Art and nature fuse in this space, creating a stirring resonance. The audience will be immersed in a sensory experience filled with dynamic tension and transformation, witnessing the vibrant energy of young creativity seamlessly connected with nature, opening a new chapter in contemporary art.
活動時間:11/2 (六) 15:00-16:00
活動內容:社團表演 – 森生共響 @B3兒童小舞台
活動時間:11/2 (六) 16:00-20:00
活動內容:動物園 X 師大附中美術班-身體彩繪(報名詳情請見臺北市立動物園官網)


The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University 臺灣 / Taiwan
The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, located in Taipei’s Da’an District, was established in 1947. Renowned for its academic excellence, the school emphasizes holistic education and fosters the well-rounded development of its students. It has produced numerous distinguished alumni who excel in various fields. With its beautiful campus, well-equipped facilities, and diverse curriculum spanning academics, arts, and sports, the school offers students a comprehensive educational experience.