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究竟白晝之夜的魅力源自何處?藝術夜未眠又能為市民帶來哪些精彩故事?臺北白晝之夜即將在2024 邁入第九年,活動地點涵蓋臺北市各大行政區,吸引近四十萬人次,透過獨特的藝術策劃,結合各區特色,舉辦多樣化的跨夜活動,讓公眾免費參與,共同點燃臺北城的星夜,成為臺北一年一度的指標性大型藝術盛事。
本講座活動由忠泰美術館與 2024 臺北白晝之夜共同主辦,旨在探討這樣的大型藝術行動與城市未來的深刻聯繫,榮幸邀請到巴黎白晝之夜的策展人 Kitty Hartl 凱蒂·哈特爾、東京六本木之夜的策展人近藤健一,以及臺灣策展人林昆穎與陳怡潔,各自分享法國、日本以及臺灣白晝之夜的策劃經驗,並由臺灣策展人胡朝聖擔任主持,共同交流他們對藝術與公眾經驗的觀察,深入剖析在夜色正好之下,策展人與藝術家們如何重新點亮城市的想像輪廓。
● 活動日期|2024/11/1(五)14:00-16:00
● 活動地點|忠泰講廳
● 活動嘉賓|主持:胡朝聖
與談:Kitty Hartl 凱蒂·哈特爾、Kenichi Kondo 近藤健一、林昆穎、陳怡潔
”The Night Unfolds: 2024 Nuit Blanche Taipei International Curators’ Dialogue“
Where does the magic of Nuit Blanche lie in its ability to transform an ordinary night into an extraordinary, city-wide celebration of art?How does this all-night cultural experience enrich the nightlife of Taipei’s residents, offering them the chance to explore creative expressions in unexpected spaces? Now in its ninth year, Nuit Blanche Taipei captivates nearly 400,000 visitors annually through its unique curation and diverse events that span across districts. The festival illuminates Taipei with a dazzling array of art installations and performances, inviting everyone to embrace the starry night and light up the city together. Nuit Blanche has become one of Taipei’s most iconic annual events, offering an unforgettable experience of art under the night sky.
This event is co-organized by Jut Art Museum and2024 Nuit Blanche Taipei, aiming to explore the profound connection between large-scale art events and the future of cities. We are honored to invite Kitty Hartl, curator of Nuit Blanche Paris; Kenichi Kondo, curator of Roppongi Art Night in Tokyo; and Taiwanese curators Kun-Ying Lin and AGI Chen to share their curating experiences whether in their home countries or within the framework of Nuit Blanche.
The discussion will be moderated by Taiwanese curator Sean C.S. HU, as the panel delves into their observations on art and public engagement, analyzing how curators and artists reimagine the cityscape through art under the night sky.
11/02(六) 10:00-20:00
11/02(六) 18:00-20:00
《時代發聲 The Voice of Times》
11/02(六) 10:00-20:00


忠泰美術館臺灣 / Taiwan
忠泰美術館(Jut Art Museum)成立於2016年,是忠泰建設成立三十週年、忠泰基金會設立十週年,在台灣建築文化推廣之路的重要里程碑。我們期許本館成為一座肩負企業社會責任,並回應21世紀社會需求的新形態平台、觸媒與智庫;延續忠泰建築文化藝術基金會之「A better tomorrow」信念,成為台灣首座聚焦「未來」與「城市」議題的美術館。
Jut Land Development’s 30th anniversary, and the Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture (JFAA)’s 10th birthday, culminates in the establishment of the Jut Art Museum (JAM) in 2016. It is a milestone commemorating the history of Taiwan’s architectural aesthetics.
We anticipate that JAM to act as a new form of platform, catalyst and think tank devoted to corporate social responsibility fulfillment and addressing the societal dynamics of the 21st century. We also anticipate it to carry on the legacy of “A Better Tomorrow” that defines much of JFAA’s work, to become the first museum in Taiwan that is focused on the issues of “future” and “city.”