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Fubon Cultural & Educational Foundation





富邦 工作區域 1

Fubon Cultural & Educational Foundation 臺灣 / Taiwan

富邦文教基金會多年來推動影像教育計畫,亦和公視共同舉辦國際兒童影展,有感於影展結束後,大部份優質兒少影片鮮少有管道能持續播映。 於是打造了一個真正專屬於親子、全年無休、把好片留下來的「momo mini親子電影院」。

The Fubon Cultural & Educational Foundation has been promoting video education programs for many years, and has also co-organized international children’s film festivals with Public Television Service. Recognizing that most high-quality children’s films lack opportunities for continued broadcast after the festival, the foundation established the “momo mini parent-child cinema.” This cinema is dedicated to parents and children, open year-round, and serves as a platform to showcase and preserve these valuable films.




Animal Fun-tactics I

放映地點|大安森林公園 露天電影院



In this animated collection of animal adventures, you’ll find a variety of imaginative animal antics: watch giraffes dive into the pool, enjoy the charming and funny leopard in ‘Animanimals’, meet the timid tiger and woolly mammoth, and listen to the little rock turtle share its life story in ‘Hello World!’ Join us to discover the similarities and differences in the animal kingdom!

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5 meters 80



Giraffes dive elegantly from high diving boards.

Animanimals 34 Leopard Still 01

動物哇哈哈 第二季
Animanimals season 2 Leopard



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.

Animanimals 36 Tiger Still 01

動物哇哈哈 第二季
Animanimals season 2 Tiger



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.

Animanimals 46 Mammoth Still 01 (1) (1)

動物哇哈哈 第二季
Animanimals season 2 Leopard



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.


動物大不同 In Nature



In nature, a couple is a male and a female. Well, not always. A couple is also a female and a female. Or a male and a male. You may not know it, but homosexuality isn’t just a human story.

Ep04 Cistude Com 2 (1)

Hello World! The Pond Turtle



The paper sculptures of Hello World animate the amazing spectacle of life in the wild. 10 episodes, 10 adventures to witness the discovery of the world by 10 different animal species. Hello World, the first naturalistic animation series, an artist’s view of the natural world.



Animal Fun-tactics II

放映地點|大安森林公園 露天電影院



In this animated collection of animal adventures, you’ll find a variety of imaginative animal antics: watch giraffes dive into the pool, enjoy the charming and funny leopard in ‘Animanimals’, meet the timid tiger and woolly mammoth, and listen to the little rock turtle share its life story in ‘Hello World!’ Join us to discover the similarities and differences in the animal kingdom!

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奧林匹克動物員 第三季 【太極 】
Athleticus season 3 Tai Chi



From table tennis to football, bobsleigh and curling, the animals of Athleticus use their unique personality and anatomy to compete the races.

奧林匹克動物員第三季 【街頭籃球】
Athleticus season 3 Street Basketball



From table tennis to football, bobsleigh and curling, the animals of Athleticus use their unique personality and anatomy to compete the races.

Animanimals 41 Dormouse Still 01

動物哇哈哈 第二季【好餓的小海狸】
Animanimals season 2 Beaver



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.

Ep21 Elephant Still 01 1

動物哇哈哈 第一季 【大象愛唱歌】
Animanimals season 1 Elephant



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.

Ep06 Castor Com 3 (1)

Hello World! The Beaver



The paper sculptures of Hello World animate the amazing spectacle of life in the wild. 10 episodes, 10 adventures to witness the discovery of the world by 10 different animal species. Hello World, the first naturalistic animation series, an artist’s view of the natural world.

Kuap Still 03

蝌蚪成長進行式 Kuap



A tadpole somehow misses out on becoming a frog and is left behind, alone. But there is much to discover in the pond and spring is sure to come again next year. A little story about growing up.



Animal Fun-tactics III

放映地點|大安森林公園 露天音樂台



In this lively and entertaining collection of animal animations, you’ll find an imaginative elephant on a trampoline, adorable hibernating bears and yoga-practicing snakes, a story about a long-eared owl, and a tale of forest animals bonding, along with a cute gorilla brushing her teeth. Let’s have a wonderful time with animals together!

7tonnes3 02 (1)

七噸重的輕盈 7 tonnes 3


七噸重的大象,每一步都帶來沉重的轟鳴,每一聲都在抗拒地心的呼喚;而這一次,牠要對抗引力、挑戰跳跳床!結合導演對動物的狂熱,前身 7 Tonnes 2 早在 2003 年推出時掀起話題,這版不僅提高 3D 技術層次,加入更多動作,更異想天開要幫大象挑戰不可能的任務!

Acrobatic arts of an elephant on a trampoline.

Ep01 Hibou Com 2 (1)

Hello World! The Long Eared Owl



The paper sculptures of Hello World animate the amazing spectacle of life in the wild. 10 episodes, 10 adventures to witness the discovery of the world by 10 different animal species. Hello World, the first naturalistic animation series, an artist’s view of the natural world.

Bemol 2

森林好厝邊 BEMOL



A featherless nightingale sings in the forest. Its song lulls the little bear to sleep, soothes the squirrels’ quarrels and entertains the pair of swans swimming on the pond. One day a storm breaks out in the forest. The nightingale has no coat of feathers, so it catches a cold and can no longer sing.

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動物哇哈哈 第一季【大熊的冬眠時光】
Animanimals season 1 Bear



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.

Ep22 Snake Still 01

動物哇哈哈 第一季【蛇同學的瑜珈課】
Animanimals season 1 Snake



The Animanimals are animals with little quirks. Each one of them is facing an absurd adventure that can only happen to them. And while finding the solution each animal learns a little lesson about life.

Poster V2 (1)

(啊!) (Ah!)



In this delightful short, the little gorilla learns to brush her teeth. She squeezes toothpaste onto her toothbrush and discovers the fun of opening her mouth wide and saying ‘Ah~’ to reach every tooth. Join her on this cheerful dental adventure!