When Collared scops owl can’t find a suitable tree hollow to nest in, they may surprisingly use idle grease exhaust pipes or forked branches for nesting. Many fledglings end up in raptor rescue centers due to falling from these unconventional nests, leaving one to wonder whether Collared scops owls are audacious or simply resourceful.
CÉ LA VI Taipei臺灣 / Taiwan
隸屬全球奢侈品集團LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessey),位於信義區微風南山48樓的CÉ LA VI Taipei是目前全台最高高空餐酒館,致力於將法式品味與亞洲文化結合,激盪出專屬於CÉ LA VI的餐飲生活風格。追求歡愉、熱情與享樂,因為「這就是人生」,卓越的禮賓服務,以及指標性的位置提供一覽無遺的全景空間,加上一場感官之旅的極致饗宴,讓我們成為提供奢華生活風格、餐飲與娛樂的品牌。
The CÉ LA VI Group is a part of L Catterton Asia, the private equity company owned by global luxury group LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy). CÉ LA VI is our interpretation of the popular French saying “this is life”, born in Southeast Asia with inspiration by the region’s creative legacy. CÉ LA VI’s DNA is deeply rooted in the artistic influences of the region’s art, carvings, paintings and temples. CÉ LA VI Taipei delivers a luxury lifestyle, dining and entertainment brand through exceptional guest services, iconic locations with stunning vistas and a journey of the five senses.