植作發聲: 電子有機體 on/off Plant Sonification: Electronic Organism on/off

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植作發聲: 電子有機體 on/off

Plant Sonification: Electronic Organism on/off

蔡瑋德 Nick Tsai


2023.10.07 (六) 6PM - 10.08 (日) 6AM



Lake Tswei





About this project


以環境音樂與實驗電子為裝置聲響的主軸,當有機體裝置處於休眠時,會透過Touch sensor與之連結,藉由擷取植物的電流訊號,進而驅動模組合成器來產生富有隨機性的生成式音樂。而當裝置啟動時,將以人為操作的形式來控制電流導向,開展出一系列的音頻與聲響面貌。

A electronic plant organism that blooms at night and intermittently rests. The respiration is interlinked with electric signals, generating auditory sound waves through resonance.

The sonic essence of this installation emerges from a fusion of ambient harmonics and experimental electronics. In a dormant state, it connects through a Touch sensor, capturing the plant’s electric signals, in turn driving a module synthesizer to produce generative music with randomness. Upon activation of the installation, humans manually control the direction of the electrical current, revealing a spectrum of auditory textures and sonic characteristics.

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蔡瑋德 Nick Tsai臺灣 / Taiwan

Nick Tsai 為一位聲音藝術家。創作以ambient、experimental 電子樂為主。喜歡去尋找不同聲響質地的極小值,與聲響之間所傳達的訊息,並將每個單位賦予生長機制,讓它在時間軸上長出一連串有機的聲響場景。於2021年展開Plant Sonification創作計畫,以植物為核心動機,將植物的姿態與質地、以及對有機與自然的想像加以延伸,來開展出生成式音樂、植物聲光裝置等等。

Nick Tsai is a sound artist based in Taichung, Taiwan. Nick tends to build up a variety of atmosphere from pure ambient to experimental soundscape through his modular synth. Exploring the naturism and organism of sound. In 2021, he initiated the “Plant Sonification” project, with plants as the central inspiration. By delving into the posture and texture of plants and expanding upon the concept of the organic and natural, he has developed generative music and plant sound-light installations, among other creations.