空椅子 Sièges de nuit

Sièges de nuit
余白 Hubert KILIAN
About this project
靜謐的夜裡,信步走在黑夜迷宮中不可思議的小路上,邁向隱於背後那不明的時空……在老舊歪斜日光燈微弱的光線濺射之下,時間為深夜的墨色所淡化,走進幽暗的小徑如踏上蜿蜒跳動的廊道…… 無刻度量計的時間定格於來自其他世界低語傾訴的顏色。這系列照片邀請觀者遠離白晝間的明確與可觸摸的確實感,轉而尋求夜之圍攻
在過去的 15 年裡,我一直致力於捕捉台北的視覺形象。 我特別希望將其倒影描繪到人們的目光中,這是過去一些黑白系列的主題。 隨著時間的推移,我發現這座城市的靈魂不在於它的建築和景觀,而在於居民獨特的生活方式……
為了尋找台北的精髓,我在夜晚前往,此時這座城市隱藏的美麗像熟睡的女人一樣微妙地展開。 我慢慢發現台北的街道上擺滿了數千種不同類型的椅子,設置在私人和公共空間的獨特混合體中……
然後,我拍攝了那些空椅子的沉默而閃亮的雄辯,以邀請人們想像他們白天的生活方式。 它邀請觀眾通過觀看其可能性的安靜夜間畫面來感受這種生活方式的美學。 每把椅子的特色和風格也與其環境相關,講述著台灣人不同社會階層、生活方式和身份的故事……
所有照片均於 2017 年至 2018 年期間在台北使用柯達 Ektar 100 拍攝。Hubert KILIAN
Sièges de nuit
For the last 15 years, I have sought to capture the visual identity of Taipei. I have notably looked for depicting its reflections into the glance of its people, subject of some past B&W series. With time, I have figured out that the soul of this city isn’t about its building and perspectives but rather lies into the distinctive lifestyle of the inhabitants …
In search of the essence of Taipei, I went at night, when the city’s hidden beauty is subtlety spreading out like the one of a sleeping woman. I have slowly discovered that Taipei streets are filled up with thousands of different kind of chairs set into a unique mixture of private and public spaces …
I have then photographed the silent and shining eloquence of those empty chairs as an invitation to imagine the daytime lifestyle they served. It invites the viewer to feel this lifestyle aesthetics by only looking at the quiet nocturnal picture of its possibility. Each chair features and style also exist in relation with its environment and tells the stories of different social categories of Taiwanese, their lifestyle, and their identity…
Empty chairs, as photographed, are designed to activate, and fuel a mental connection to those daylight moments as the most beautiful echoes of the essence of Taipei …


余白 Hubert KILIAN臺灣 - 法國 / Taiwan-France
余白 (Hubert Kilian) 2003年來臺擔任記者,直到2016年。1996踏上了攝影之路,渴望捕捉時光流轉與城市光影所帶給他的情緒感受。過去20多年以來,余白致力於挖掘出在時間洪流之下那些逝去的存在與留存的基石之間的戲劇張力。作品曾播出在法國電視國際五臺、Arte電視、Asia Discovery電視、France Culture (法國廣播電臺)、臺灣藝評、公共電視、Vogue臺灣、蘋果日報、聯合報、等等…。 他曾在法國、日本、和臺灣展出。 2018年,出版社為其出版《臺北原味》(絕版),接著2022年大塊文化出版社為其出版《臺北之胃》。
Hubert KILIAN [余白] has been a Taipei-based French journalist from 2003 to 2016. In 1996, he began his photographic journey with the desire to record shadows cast by the cities and marks left through times on walls. Through this urban momentum, marked with lonely atmospheres, a stage for obsolete modernity and nostalgia, Hubert seeks to reveal the dramatic potential of this great spectacle of time and people passing by and of stones that remain. His work has been shown on TV5 Canada, Arte, Asia Discovery, Public Service Television and in several publications (Vogue Taiwan, Tatler Taiwan, Apple Daily, United Daily News, China Times, Liberty Times etc….) He has exhibited in France, Japan, and Taiwan. In 2018, he has published “Visages de Taipei” with Happiness Culture editions (sold out), followed by “Ventre de Taipei” published in 2022 by Locus Publishing.