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Together we grow:身心幸福探索日

Wellbeing adventure day



2024.11.02 (六) 15:00 - 11.03 (日) 00:00








About the event


lululemon 降落專屬草皮區!帶來 4 堂舞台課程 + 4 種療癒體驗,透過瑜珈、音療、舞蹈、冥想…,邀請群眾動動肢體、順順腦袋,跟著音樂及引導一起玩耍身心,現場也將入駐互動許願牆,來為自己許下幸福心願,與lululemon 一同探索、慶祝身心幸福的美好!

【草地派對舞台課程】 – 預先報名,報名連結:https://qrs.ly/vqg7izh
16:00 – 17:00 I like to move it 感受你的身體律動-品牌大使 小P, Lingo
18:00 – 19:00 回歸原始肌力與流通 – 品牌大使 Nana & 小杜
20:00 – 20:50 當呼吸法與手碟相遇 – 品牌大使 Yoanna, 陳沛元
21:00 – 22:00 夜行動物派對瑜珈 – 品牌大使 Kelly & Louis

【身心療癒體驗區】 – 現場報名,每場次約 15 分鐘
17:00 – 18:00 越暗的地方你越亮 / 黑夜矇眼瑜珈 – 品牌大使 Nana
19:00 – 20:00 夜行幻象 / 幻化成動物的引導式冥想 – 品牌大使 Svara
22:00 – 23:00 氣息…氣氛…氣質!/ 自我連結與共振的呼吸練習 – 品牌大使 Big
23:00 – 24:00 午夜舞夜派對 / 街舞經典動作帶領舞動 – 品牌大使 小P

【許一個心願互動區】- 15:00 – 24:00 開放
1. 世界心理健康日 / 身心健康議題探索
2. 身心健康檢測小問卷
3. 身、心、社群健康互動願望牆

Lululemon: Together We Grow

Lululemon has arrived at the exclusive turf area! Offering 4 stage classes and 4 types of healing experiences, including yoga, sound therapy, dance, and meditation, we invite you to move your body, follow your mind, and playfully connect both through music and guided practices. Take part in the interactive wishing wall to make joyful wishes for yourself, and join Lululemon in exploring and celebrating the beauty of physical and mental well-being!
[Grass Party Stage Course] – Pre-registration required, registration link:https://qrs.ly/vqg7izh

Lululemon 照片3


Lululemon 白晝


lululemon 相信,每個人都值得擁有身心健康的美好生活,並致力於提升人們的「幸福感Wellbeing」。響應每年的『世界心理健康日』,品牌全球連線,​聚焦於「身、心、社群」幸福感的三大面向,與群眾一起探索幸福的美好!

lululemon believes that everyone deserves a good life of physical and mental health, and is committed to improving people’s “Wellbeing.” In response to the annual “World Mental Health Day”, the brand connects globally, focusing on the three major aspects of happiness “body, mind and community”, and exploring the beauty of happiness with the people!