Reflected through the Yehua mirror, you will see yourself standing on the ground just like them(wildflowers). However, you can move while they cannot. Start taking action from today!
洪維廷 Jats1120臺灣 / Taiwan
Jats於1993年11月20日出生於臺灣新竹,Jats是J’Aime Ton Souffle的縮寫,法語意思是“我愛你的氣息”。 他喜歡在創作過程中嘗試不同的元素,包括粉彩、壓克力顏料、樹脂、拼貼畫和地毯。 從他的生活經歷中汲取靈感,他將藝術作為自我發現的一種方式,同時創作出獨特而多樣的作品。
Jats was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan on November 20, 1993. Jats is the shorten of J’Aime Ton Souffle, which means “I love your breath” in French. He enjoys experimenting with different elements in his creative process, including pastels, acrylic, resin, collage, and rug. his experience of life reflecting on his art, and sees it as the process of self-exploration.